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Conversation Between Sweetsunnyrain and MidnightStar

5 Visitor Messages

  1. Alrighty then, thanks! c':

    Awww o n o I wish you luck.
  2. I'll make sure to message you once I have them finished so that you won't have to keep on eye on them yourself. We're hoping that she will, but right now she isn't doing well.
  3. That's awesome, and, all righty! ^^ Hope your grandma gets better! :3
  4. Hi! Yes, it caught my eye and I have two OCs I haven't used in a while that might fit well into it with some tweaking. I'm looking forward to RPing with you as well.

    Just so you know it may take me a couple of days to get the profiles finished. My grandmother is in the hospital and I don't have much time to be online right now.
  5. Hello! :3 Glad to see that you've taken an interest in my RP! ^^ I'll look forward to RPing with ya!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5