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Conversation Between dust in darkness and Telemachn

9 Visitor Messages

  1. Well I live in Jersey so yeah. Hurricanes.

    I keep meaning to get some decent pictures of my art stuff... I'll get something done about that this semester... probably.
  2. Ohhh! Well that's good! XD
    I'd love to see some of your art if you're willing to share it with us!

    Oh dang! Where are you located? o3o
  3. Well it's my final semester so I'll be graduating in December with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree... for all the good THAT will do me! XD

    Yeah the weather this summer has been freaky! It hasn't been too unbearably hot out my way but I did get that damn hurricane.
  4. How fun! Do you know what sort of degree you are going to be going for? And summer has been rather uneventful. I've been dealing with the heat, work, and school. So it's the same old routine that I've been doing. 8P
  5. Eh, I'm not too busy yet. I'm startin' up college next week though so that'll change. Mostly I've been working or hanging out on this site.

    How was your summer?
  6. Not much. I'm just enjoying my day off. What about you? =w=

    And heck yes! It wouldn't be Ardent if the crew didn't bully the nerd! XD
  7. So what have you been up to? *eyes Eden's message* Yeah they're doing a good job of tormenting the token scientist. ^ ^ It's an Ardent tradition!
  8. Hey! It's good to see you again! 8D
  9. Heya! Long time no see!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9