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Conversation Between Saso-Chan and Shara

34 Visitor Messages

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  1. Fine but at least be my friend. I do things on my own because its the Internet you dont need grammer. So be mature and just be my friend please? i can leave you alone but just don't be shallow.

    Kthanxbye >_<
  2. atleast let me be in your and kittys rp please? >_<
  3. Wow Shara.... Shallow man...Shallow..
  4. Please do something with me im so boredddddd t^t
  5. 1X1 i forgot bout roleplays
  6. Roleplays or 1 x 1 searches?
  7. none of them are recent
  8. http://www.wtfrpg.com/forum/forumdis...5-1x1-Requests
    Or just to go the 'Roleplays' tab up top and see if you want to join any of them.
  9. Havent been on here that long Shara. Where? .-.
  10. Well, join a Roleplay or look for ones that need a partner.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 34
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