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Conversation Between ArtNightshade and Arien

43 Visitor Messages

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  1. Now, everything's ok
  2. I'll modify Jenny's post too.
  3. Yea let me modify it
  4. Did Soleil call three times?
  5. :3 hehe
  6. XD lol
  7. Alistair's snake form is reminding me of Beetlejuice in his snake form :P
  8. Oh lol now i see it. Srry
  9. lol I think I'm not explaining myself well. She haven't passed out in the present. It's all a memory. She's standing there in front of him. And the shadow, it was from Ethan, but I can't tell you why he had a human shadow in that moment.
  10. She passed out in the past XD. When she was in the forest, before getting to The Unwanted school, before meeting Ethan. You should change the post. In the present moment she's just looking at her crow and remembering
Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 30 of 43
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