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Conversation Between AceofMana and NinjaBunnyAttack

28 Visitor Messages

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  1. shaweet beans!
  2. hahaha alright agreed
  3. Ok u be the good dancer, ill be that random person in the corner that doesnt know what the hell is going on half the time!

    Oh a spilly talker- er dancer lol
  4. hahaha idk ..... I'm a pretty good dancer .. not the best but alright
    oi have a habit of dropping my drinks everywhere though
  5. *dies laughing* good thing i dont actually dance, i think i could hurt someone across the room without trying. lol
  6. hahahahaha hell yeah
  7. lol boogie down
  8. hahaha love dancing *dances*
  9. lol suppose there is always something *breaks out in dance* there, something lol
  10. hahaha I'm not quite sure but i'm sure theres something
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 28
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