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Conversation Between Tigerkytti and Venin666

33 Visitor Messages

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  1. Sorry it took me so long to finally do so, but I've posted! Yays! *does a happy dance* Hope the post is ok.
  2. Ah sorry, guess I should've been more specific, I meant my 1x1 Request Thread, I put up that I'm currently on hiatus. Not that I expect anyone to keep track of it lol And thanks for the wishes, I really appreciate it. If I could get rid of this slump immediately, I'd be much happier lol But yeah... and top it all off with comp probs x.x Lappy died some days ago and still reinstalling programs, wonderful timing... not....
  3. no worries...I;m back in school so i'm figuring out my schedule so i've got time to wait...and unless the site's not showing it.....i've got the last post in the 1x1 or are you referring to some other one and i'm just missing the reference? Regardless I hope you're back in good spirits again soon and feeling better even faster than that....
  4. Ahh a poke, oh noes! XD j/k I'm guessing you didn't see my 1x1 post. Mmm, not doing so great to be honest. My ability to post is super limited lately, due to a lot of stupid stuff that's gone on in RL for me. And unfortunately is happening during the time i'm switching over medications so my depressions not exactly well managed. Sooo while I've not lost interest, I promise, my ability to make posts for the most parts been screwed up. Hopefully this slump won't last much longer. Sorry x.x
  5. i feel i have waited long enough to poke you and find out if your ok*poke*...you're not postin everything ok?
  6. Awesome! Good to hear!
  7. *poke* Hey i posted! sorry it took a while...but my internet access is becoming more regular so my posting should improve too! ^.^
  8. Super awesomeness^^
  9. *poke* postied!
  10. Understandable, tho glad to hear that your getting close to finishing your move successfully^^
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 33
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