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Conversation Between Sinz Kitten and rumxcoke

52 Visitor Messages

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  1. about the same the last few days, am about to be really busy on Saturday though, set up a gamers meeting so I'm hoping people will be coming. What have you been up to? Anything new?
  2. Bit busy. You?
  3. hi there long time no chat, how are you?
  4. hi there
  5. ah ok
  6. Like a chicken with my head cut off. Lots of things going on. A few posts to make. Haven't gotten to make them yet
  7. it's okay and I'm good how are you other then busy?
  8. hey there, sorry I didn't post yet. Been very busy
  9. hiya
  10. lol that's cool i know how it is XD
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 52
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