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Conversation Between Artsydaze and Mewt

15 Visitor Messages

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  1. I don't approve characters yet but I will as soon as the game is a little more ready to go !
  2. Finished my character for matchmaking if you wanna approve it.
  3. I see. everyone else is putting London.
  4. It takes place in the Capital, a fictional city.
  5. I can't finish my character bio because you haven't put a location for this roleplay.
  6. Mine's just an asshole. The only person who ever loved him was his wife.
  7. See? Mine will be an opportunist and social climber, no toes stepped on!
  8. my character is gonna be such a bamf.
  9. There there, it's all good now!
  10. I just got all upset about it and cried.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 15
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