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Conversation Between Impish and Miel

48 Visitor Messages

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  1. IT IS! :3 Nom nom. I love cinnamon bun dough and carrotcake dough (though it isn't very doughy) :3
  2. omg, dough is the best part of baking...setting some aside is good too
  3. It sure is! And best part... dough. NOM! We shall! And it'll be worth the wait!
  4. It is! Ooh, baking is fun Yup, we'll both definitely find something!
  5. Me too! Yeah I didn't get mine either :/ It's hard. Other than being sick I've been baking carrotcakes to the wazooo to keep myself busy. It'll happen for us Miel
  6. Glad you're better! Eh, didn't get the job, but have a new lead, so maybe this time...getting kinda depressed about the whole thing...
  7. Yeah, tell me about it. Always manage to get sick as hell during winter season :/ All better now though How are you?
  8. No big, its pretty normal this time of year! Feel better!!!!
  9. Sorry I haven't been on for nearly a week, but have a fever and is nauseous like you wouldn't believe :C
  10. Crossing my fingers for both of us!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 48
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