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Conversation Between SIXONINE and Sinz Kitten

71 Visitor Messages

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  1. afternoon
  2. oh I forgot XD
  3. I work at the convention. My job is at a comic book store remember?
  4. how did you get paid for going to a convention?
  5. Pretty fun. Got to see people I haven't seen in a while, get paid, and enjoyed time with friends. The usual convention enjoyment
  6. how was the convention?
  7. Yep, after a good night sleep and post convention depression, I am back on my feet. I got the day off from work today just to pretty much relax
  8. yay you're back X3
  9. well good evening X3 how have you been?
  10. oh so should Unmei maybe over hear what's going on in the simulation room or something?
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 71
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