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Conversation Between GlitterAnts and Strude

57 Visitor Messages

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  1. Oh dear lord. XD That's pretty hot! But I don't understand the need for that damned shield. I swear sometimes -- I mean.. Yeah that's a nice shield. 0u0
  2. That's completely fine :P
  3. or I disappear randomly! >D
  4. No idea, go add me. Warning I sometimes don't reply, you'll notice.
  5. I am super confused XD And I can't taste the sheesah I'm smoking and it's making me upset! >.< Why don't I have you on skype yet?
  6. Yup we're just chatting, nothing so special, but if you want to get to know us it's a good way! >D Plus helps ya learn the program for later.
  7. So you're just having random conversations? I'm not really doing anything. I might be very boring. I'll download it anyway though. ^___^
  8. Naw, tonight is dead. It's just jing, Corn, and I lingering in vent. I'm actually playing WoW, so you can hop on over.
  9. But I'm really awkward. 0///0 I was lurking on the thread thingy that you set up. It sounds really fun. But am I too late?
Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 30 of 57
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