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Conversation Between xD3siR3x and DreamEscapes

8 Visitor Messages

  1. Good.
    Awww thats sweet I miss being on here to talk with you.
    Well you ever think of something you go ahead and message me I'm up for anything ^^
  2. I'm good
    Miss you a bit xD Thinking, that I should think of an RP to offer you again, maybe D:
  3. Once in a while. Didn't have many rp buddies on this site so I get on once in a great while to see whats new here. How are you?
  4. Hey! How are you? Still around?
  5. Merry Christmas hope it was a great one!
  6. Merry Christmas! ^^
  7. Happy New Year...a bit late LOL
  8. Happy New Year! <3
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8