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Conversation Between Sinz Kitten and Syrasya

65 Visitor Messages

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  1. lol XD nice dramatic moment, and we didn't get to put it in, it turns out the only one hiring is too far away
  2. *glomps* miss u tooo! I'll put in a post in a day or two. I miss Murasaki n Cain. TWT. Why does rl have to get in the way of everything?! He wuvs her and yet he cnt express it because of me. Cain has been screaming in agony! Agony I tell u!

    *ends dramatic post*

    So hows the application for gamestop?
  3. hiya *hugs* missed you X3
  4. hi hi
  5. you don't know what Game Stop is?! It's just like the biggest game store ever, there's even game stops in china, japan and kerea I bet XD also someone coming and hurting her would probably be a good, idea and like he comes in and saves her before they can hurt her too much?
  6. *whichever way u want. sheesh
  7. Ooh whats game stop? *w*
    I had tht in mind but u can take the RP in whichever way in mind. Up to u.
  8. it's okay, and I'm good about to put in a job application to game stop, oh and just wondering since Murasaki won't run while they're in that town were you think that someone comes in and tries to/hurts her?
  9. Good. Sorry for going MIA without notice. Class just started so I'm gonna post a lot less than before. I'll try to do it when I can tho. Hby? Howve u been?
  10. how have you been?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 65
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