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Conversation Between Cows Go Moo and perfectimperfection

14 Visitor Messages

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  1. Letting you know I posted! I was thinking that after a post or two more of banter we could try the dice system if you want (or just have the event be entirely us controlled idk). Also, for the dice tags, keep them [ dice][/ dice]. If you wrap it around your text it'll hide the text. I did some testing and found that out the hard way LOL (you can edit it out, but it gave me a shock).
  2. I'm actually not super sure LOL. I think it's just supposed to generate a number for your post or something?? Like if one of our chars were to formally attack a monster we'd put the [ dice ][/ dice ] on our post and then edit our post to fit the outcome.
  3. I wanted to ask a clarifying question. I was gonna ask Xavi but since you're online I though I could ask you. It's about the whole dice roll option, I can see the button for it when making a post but I'm not quite sure how it works. ^^;
  4. Awesome, I'll go check it out!(:
  5. Just to let you know i posted!
  6. LOL it's alright. My response is gonna take a while anyway so take your time (:
  7. Alright! I'm probably gonna responded to it tomorrow, Right now I'm pretty much brain dead @-@ worked overtime at work and my body is just like 'No x____X' to anything I try to do XD
  8. I'll gladly take the honor!
  9. Mulan in all her seriousness will just raise her eyesbrows at him as he says he'll take on the monsters, she's already labeled him as weak once she had a good look over him. Haha, so would you like the honors of posting first or would you like me to get it started?
  10. Sounds good! He'll probably be like "No I can handle this" *punted by monster* "ok name ur price"
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