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Conversation Between Sweetsunnyrain and Naruto forever

144 Visitor Messages

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  1. Oops, sorry. I'll add it when I get home..
  2. She's looking good, but you gotta add her likes/dislikes. ^^
  3. And also, you need to work on her more. She's turning out a little bit Mary Sue like, no offense. ; u ;
  4. Oh crap, I forgot to tell you that the ages are 18-22.
  5. Yay, thanks! c':
  6. Mmmmnnnnn, looking forward to reading the plot-line.
  7. Ah, I see. o v o The RP in planning is going to be awesomecakes, though. = w =
  8. yea...
    It's definitely gonna be a while though. After school starts at least.
  9. It's pretty different though, hehe. And I'd love to join, but I've got a ton of RPs on my hands already, sorry...
  10. kuuuulllll... I've never read that series, but I've heard about it. XD

    Thinking of making another RP, since I deleted my second one.....
    My mind is kinda blank right now....
    We'll see.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 144
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