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Conversation Between Oasis and forever_forgotten14

45 Visitor Messages

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  1. lol, im good with any think
  2. I could hear the stadium from my house!!! And okay, what plots do you like?
  3. omfg ikr I was watching the game 49ers almost had it though,
    and yeah I do
  4. Same! And I'm just freaking out because seahawls, my local team, is going to the Superbowl!! Whoooo! You like romance rps?
  5. nothing much trying to find new roleplaying partners and listening to music, what about you?
  6. What's up?
  7. hii
  8. Hey.
  9. hey we don't have to make a rp since your busy but when ever you want to just let me know
  10. Ok it's cool I jw
Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 30 of 45
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