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Conversation Between veriloquent. and Syrasya

3 Visitor Messages

  1. haha tskay. he could just use lucas to get things he wants n lucas can use him to get food. :3
  2. hmm...

    personally, i think that andy would find lucas rather irritating, lol. their personality is so conflicted, haha.

    but it's not like andy would blatantly chew out lucas either (andy's good at this kind of thing—lying and pretending like he cares). so, superficially, i suppose they would "get along." although i have this sinking suspicion, andy won't be in his room very much... haha...

    but we can work something out! we should plot for the two, figure out the ins and the outs of their relationship. C:
  3. weeeee~ we're roomies!

    can we be friends? ill cut u some slack when u get in trouble~
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3