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Conversation Between xD3siR3x and Sinz Kitten

293 Visitor Messages

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  1. no worries I understand, I'll think up some ideas
  2. I don't think I'll manage to get a feel of the last one
  3. well we have our old rp if you wanted to continue it? if not I can think something up if you can't think of anything
  4. Anything you have in mind? I wasn't considering any new games for the time being as I had nothing I wanted in particular.
  5. I miss rping with you and would love to either continue our rp or start a new one
  6. ah okay so would you not be interested in rping again?
  7. Nothing much. Since it's summer it's work during weekdays and weddings or birthdays during weekends @_@
  8. tired and bored, I've been at my dad's all summer but am finally back in the mood to rp since I'll be going home in a week. How are you? what have you been up to?
  9. Hey! How have you been?
  10. hi hi long time no chat
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