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Conversation Between Strude and Dorian Raker

13 Visitor Messages

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  2. Oh hell yeah. This place is a breath of fresh air. I was so happy when I found it, or was directed to it by another RP site I'm on. I'm really loving it here.

    Yeah Carmine will be a little more controlled. I'm working on a open location / locked location idea, keeping certain locations open to players and having co-hosts play NPCs in those locations that will direct those players to where they're needed. Then giving them keys to locked locations so they can join in on the main storylines that are happening within those locations. Keeping the random uninformed players out of the main storyline till they're needed, but still giving them open locations to play around in and NPC's to interact with so they're not completely left out when they join.

    Almost sort of like a flood gate idea. Lets us funnel people in and get them situated instead of just a random cluster fuck of locations.
  3. I'd like that.

    Yeah, the system here reminds me of my old days on MUSH grids when I was a wee whippersnapper: many little rooms that people can drift in and out of as they see fit. Seems like a fun system to work with, though the planning stages have to be a nightmare; especially if you're flying without a hammered-down plot. I'll be interested to see how it all works out.

    All in all, I'm seeing that there's a little less of the general stupid that one found on in the Blighted Wastes of Barton, and that makes me a happy camper.
  4. Yup same here, I was thinking with everyone coming over I might make a little hangout thread for us.

    Thank you I'm currently in the middle of working out a system of organization and planning with the people I already have for the RP here: http://www.wtfrpg.com/forum/showthre...d-Solar-System

    Once I figure out who wants to do what, I can work things out better! >D Should be fun. I'm enjoying learning how to manage a open world, sandbox style RP and galaxy building project all in one. It's been a tough one but really fun! >D
  5. Oooh. I was looking in on that one. Might have to wander over at some point and see if there's anywhere I might fit in. It looks...sprawling, and I think that's got a charm all of its own.

    Do sort of miss the old AS days. But if we all gather here? So much the better.
  6. Yeah I was one odd ball wasn't I.
    I am glad you're over here, it's really cool to see all the people from Amalgamation Syndrome being pulled over by Eden and I. It's rather entertaining to me! XD

    Ah yes the old captain I remember reading over that RP and being so jelly of how well it flowed. Here is hoping I can accomplish the same with Carmine but in a slightly different way.
  7. I didn't kick or scream, but, yeah. I'm reprising the old Captain.

    Made your mark? Oh, I can easily believe that one. I managed to keep the scars pretty shallow, but I doubt I'll ever forget you Strude...
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