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Conversation Between XfrostguardX and Artsydaze

12 Visitor Messages

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  1. Hehe. Ok then :P
  2. No, no, I just forgot... *headdesk*
  3. I'm sorry. Are you waiting on me, or something else? O.o"
  4. Yup, all better!
  5. That better o~o?
  6. Ok! So your last paragraph should be in the Grey Hare Warren entrance and should aknolege that Momiko iand his mother are her! Then all would be good!
  7. Ok c:
  8. I say the only thing to do now is to space up your wall of text a little xD!
  9. Just posted. Tell me if I should change anything, as i'm fairly new at editing the colors and size of the text. c:
  10. Alright ^^
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