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Conversation Between monsters_inside_us and rumxcoke

190 Visitor Messages

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  1. now im super excited! haha
  2. ok so when you answer ill go with the idea!XD
  3. yeah, I was thinking that it would seem like something she would do! XD kay im going to do that.
  4. Up to you. That's a very interesting thought. ^_^
    Just do what Mere would do if it's in her character to do so.
  5. ok so do you think that Meredith should try to sabatoch them trying to get back home? I was thinking about that. maybe shes getting closer to jack and she knows that if they go back to 'home land' that he will abandon her?
  6. could you post? im super bored lol
  7. what happened to the fairy?
  8. poor fritz jack and Meredith... XC
  9. so yeah
  10. yeah I know. but lots of the time when people have dogs no matter how old the dog is to them its like a puppy. that's how I am with my dog and he's 10 lol
Showing Visitor Messages 101 to 110 of 190
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