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Conversation Between La_H and Avarice

37 Visitor Messages

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  1. Eh bien aimée, we'll figure something out.
  2. I dunno, I was hoping you had an idea.
  3. Who'd you have in mind?
  4. Blackmail-er I mean convince a third party to help us?
  5. What're we going to do? ;;
  6. Same here
  7. Oh, I'm alright at it. I usually fail at creating conflict; it's always short lived and easily passed through. Unless there's a specific goal, I can always keep people on track, I think.
  8. Dungeon Master: same as a GM (Game Master), just a diff phrase
  9. Depends! What's a DM? .:Bad with Abrieviations:.
  10. Creative juices you say. Alright. You've appealed to my vain but modest nature. In my mind, I make a terrible DM, are you any good?
Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 30 of 37
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