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Conversation Between rumxcoke and monsters_inside_us

190 Visitor Messages

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  1. Normally I try to put long posts, but sometimes I have to beef up one liners as best I can. Unless work makes me give short replies. ^_^
  2. its fine. im just bored and our roleplay is like my favorite one right now. because most people I roleplay with put really short posts. XC
  3. Sorry about the long wait. I dropped my laptop again. It's going slow now. ^_^' And I have a few other threads to post on too, so they're asking the same thing I bet.
  4. are you going to answer?
  5. Just posted. ^_^
  6. Sorry it took so long to post, been a crazy day. ^_^
  7. Maybe we should communicate about OOC details in another thread. So it doesn't crowd the story. ^_^
  8. Made first post. It's a about how he was taken. ^_^
  9. ok I don't know about you but it getting late here and my eyes are about to like fall out. haha lets finish deciding tomorrow. ill be on in the morning. XD kay?
  10. so you wanna pm tommrow?
Showing Visitor Messages 161 to 170 of 190
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