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Conversation Between Strude and Mitsukashira

14 Visitor Messages

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  1. TT ^ TT I understand on the not RPing front . . . I've been near close to the same.
  2. I'll add ya on Skype, but I don't have Vent or anything. I don't even play games on the 'puter, because my 'puter sucks donkey balls.

    I don't get on many sites myself. Gaia is a shit-hole, and I only talk to like one person on the site anymore. I really don't really even role-play or write anymore, to be honest.
  3. Missed ya too, I don't get on other sites where you be anymore . . . or like IMs.
  4. You have skype right?
    Add my new one: rileycharlestucker

    Whurd I has a vent server too:

    IP: bigdaddylove.typefrag.com
    Port: 11345
    P/W: daddycakes
  5. lol Strudey Strudey, oh how I've missed ya!
  6. So totally true, since I'm awesome in the kitchen! *wiggles eyebrows*
  7. Nah, you're loony. You draw nifty cool, which is why I want some nifty cool art from you. Simple math, mah Strudey Strude. I'll send the proper request whenever I get around to going on Gaia.
  8. Umm, I can . . . maybe . . . I don't think I draw nifty cool though . . . but that is me being critical of myself . . . ANYWAYS, is it a female body nifty cool? Cuz I fail at dudes hardcore . . . whatcha want me to draw? ANSWER ME HERE:

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 14
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