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Conversation Between a91nicole and perfectimperfection

5 Visitor Messages

  1. Just letting you know I posted
  2. Feel free to
  3. Works for me. Xavi didn't actually inform me about her suggestions lol, but as always its a great idea. Xavri's brilliant. So I suppose I should post first?
  4. We could start off meeting each other? I was actually gonna ask you about it, whether or not you wanted to have Roxi wondering the woods by herself and have her stumble into some trouble and Red can come to her rescue? Then Roxi could talk about being the lost princess and such and Red decides to help her out, mainly for the reward she was gonna get. That was initially the story that Xani suggested but if you want to have a different start I'm open for it
  5. hey there,

    So I know Xav said we can go ahead and start, so I was wondering if thought we should? Our assignment is to help out hansel and gretel so all we could really do until xavi returns would be to have them walking through the woods talking to each other. So I guess I'm asking if you want to start posting now or wait for xavi to return?
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