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Conversation Between forever_forgotten14 and XxA_Wistful_InsanityxX

112 Visitor Messages

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  1. I posted.
  2. Fae can sense other vampires. The fae showed up, talked to her for a bit, and then told her to head home. She did, two vampires picked up on her scent and found out where she was staying.
  3. ok lol im confused about your post
  4. ohh ok
  5. No, it's not that. I am in the middle of moving and about to start school.
  6. are you not going to respond?
  7. yes lol of course school did just start however so I will be on later on in the days.
  8. Hooray!!!
  9. I bought my new lap top so I will be on more often now
  10. meant every other week
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 112
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