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Conversation Between dust in darkness and Eden

19 Visitor Messages

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  1. dusssssst
  2. Yeah :'(
  3. Oh, I love Wash! He's gotta be my favorite Firefly crew member. 8'D
  4. Chocolate. Bitches love chocolate.
  5. We'll see then~ I'll start tinkering around with his old profile. Once I make it we can figure out where to stick him depending on the location of the ship. I'm sorta tempted to have Rem come back with some giant ass cannon or gun for Cas and offering it up to her as a bribe/peace offering. owo
  6. Actually come to think of it I have a rule that says old characters are always welcome back and can occupy a spot with new characters. That's why we have two pilots, Cain and Deryn. xD So Rem is welcome back as a main either way.
  7. Ahahahaha she would HATE THAT so much!

    They actually already passed F. Rock and they might not go to ma'Deu, but whatever port they happen to go to? The other port'd be much more of a real city.

    well, we'll see, we definitely miss you so we'd love to have you back in any way ^^
  8. Oh, then I'll hold back on that for now! I'll figure out some place to put our fiery runt. I know I want him to be staying in either Port ma'Deu or Fort Rock, but I don't know the exact age he'll be. What I can tell you is that he's gonna look older(closer to his actual age) and healthier... And TALLER! He'll finally be taller than Cas!!!
  9. Oooh...that would be interesting. we are actually talking to someone about the position but if they don't decide to we would definitely love to have you! If they do decide to take it he can always be a minor character like Alcy. ^^

    We sure do miss him. And I bet Barasa is going to wish there was someone else who'd tease him.

    I wonder how old Rem'd be now. o_o

    edit: Er...someone else for people to tease. Not someone else to tease him. XD
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