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Conversation Between nero123 and vickiazn

25 Visitor Messages

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  1. sure, i love mayhem
  2. Hey Vicki, I started an RP called Storage and I was wondering if you'd be interested in joining and causing some mayhem XD
  3. oh. . . okay. . . If you need any help, I'm right here
  4. sounds good, he can ask her during the RP
    I'll get to writing the plot
  5. Uhh. . . thinking is hard. . . maybe Annabelle and Alistair get married or something. . . That was the best suggestion I had so far. . . sorry if you don't like the suggestion
  6. uh. . . I don't have any suggestions right now, but when I come up with something, I'll tell you
  7. part of the plot is anna meeting alistairs parents and searching for hers
    hmm...any other suggestions?
  8. cool, I can help out if you want. Also, I'll check it out when its done. Maybe, they can try to visit Alistair's parents or find Annabelle's parents. Just suggestions.
  9. Not sure yet, thinking of a plot right now
  10. sure that sounds interesting. . . when do you want to start it?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 25
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