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Conversation Between Fuu-Chan and APBCole

16 Visitor Messages

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  1. That would be nice. I usually don't have anything to do besides update my thread and try to post here.
  2. Hi.

    We've only ever talked once. We should talk moar since I haz returned.
  3. probably *nods*
  4. Me too...me too....guess we just have to wait our turn right?
  5. your not trust me. n.n
    and yeah very true. I just kinda wish the worst part of the ride would end not the entire ride is what I mean xD
  6. The ride won't end until you die. So you might as well just deal with it.

    *sighs, poking you* Hope i'm not getting too personal...
  7. very true though this ride I don't want to be on anymore. I've been on it long enough
  8. It's never perfect as I have learned and at least you an manage it. Lifes like a roller coaster so you might as well just enjoy the ride.

    *pokes you*
  9. Life isn't exactly perfect but it will do. i believe things will get better
  10. I understand that you had to grow up fast...I had to grow up fast during 6th grade as my parents divorced.

    Life ok for you?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 16
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