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Conversation Between target and Kitt

4 Visitor Messages

  1. Eccentric? You flatter me, Crystal. But yes, I just wanted to pop in and say hello! Just wanted to ask how you've been. If you want to know about the new arc, we've got a bit of death, a bit of blood.. All fun and games, no? So I hope everything is okay in your life, that everything is going well, and that you come back to us soon!
  2. We have our own little OOC. On Skype. I'm always there...but yeah.
  3. So many names to remember. @~@
    Outer contact? As in?
  4. A bit late, but welcome to Zodiac. I see that you've met Vol, AiDee, Crystal, Flabberooni, and Canada (Terra). I'm Kitt! Like Vol said, the cast is like a bunch of crazy kids. Which we are. Usually I'm insulted but today I'll be admitting it. So, if you want to have some outer contact with us that be great! So, just wanted to say hi.
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