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Conversation Between Sinz Kitten and rumxcoke

52 Visitor Messages

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  1. I like the idea X3 but didn't we have a problem the last time we talked about rping cuz I wanted to be the girl? I'm not sure really but I thought that's why we didn't rp before
  2. Hey there Sinz, want to RP? I got a plot idea I never got to play out.

    This is it-
    It's the modern age, but things like Werewolves are known to the world. In one particular part of the US, they have a state reserved for these people. It was 'put in place to keep the peace', but really, it's like a suburban/wild land now. Packs have formed, territory is fought over, and there is talk of spreading to more states.

    Then, here are these prideful packs, and maybe our characters cross paths on accident. Maybe a bear attacks them both and they unite for the time-being. After they kill the bear, they see each other different. Not quite friends yet. Then, when one of their packs is destroyed by another, the character, who is now a lone wolf, must find a safe haven or die.

    This makes it possible for the other character to show pity, recalling their mutual goal to kill the bear. And so the lone wolf must be kept hidden from the rest of the pack, lest it be killed, and a kind of affection sparks from this.
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