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Conversation Between shockingzelda and mikimouse

43 Visitor Messages

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  1. i'm okay with you using the character...
    wait what do you mean, so it doesn't show when i was last on?
  2. Hey, for a bit I am going to use your character, Amy Vu, until I can get us to a certain point. If you want to see what is going on so far with her look on the roleplay. By the way, why do you have it set so people od not know when you were last on? How do you do that?
  3. okii
  4. That is okay if your posts are short it doesn't matter to me. I am not like most who care how long your posts are. If you can post Odyssey long posts great. If you post one liners great. I do not care.
  5. well i don't think that my posts will be very long .___.
  6. yeah you should see my posts most of them are me raging at the others like the most recent post I put was me raging.
  7. lol tempers ^.^
    it's funny to see ppl get mad at others... sometimes.....
  8. We are the worst team in the world for how much we fight.
  9. Sure whenever I am ready to bring you, I will tell you. Right now, I am having trouble with my short temper and anger. I am almost killing them a whole lot.
  10. im a bit confused since i just skimmed the rp..
    too much words .____.
Showing Visitor Messages 31 to 40 of 43
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