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Conversation Between TrySton-Chan and vickiazn

44 Visitor Messages

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  1. I think its good too. I was just trying to see if you enjoyed it. ^_^
  2. I think it's pretty good I like the concept ^^ and you?
  3. How do you like the RP so far?
  4. okee, post soon
  5. thx, I'll post tomorrow right now I have a writers block....><
  6. well, since your character is fox like, start at the nature-freaks hideaway and head to the labyrinth and look for stuff.
    I hope that helped.
  7. hey I"m having a hard time trying to figure out how to start in island of the cursed, any suggestions?
  8. I is leavin 4 Philippines tomorrow
    stayin there 4 3 months
    I'll officially be in arizona august 16
    Ill send my email 2 u in a private message
  9. Ya she told me what day are you moving? and yes I still Have my same e-mail adress, I'll give you my # on the 10 of this momnth (I dont have any minutes right now so, I will no the 10)
  10. btw, this is da only way I can contact u cuz I lost my yahoo account & had 2 make a new and IDK if u kept da same email, I dnt hav ur ###, and I is goin 2 da philippines & dey mite charge u or me 4 call or txt

    Did Sure2HerWord tell u I was movin 2 arizona?
Showing Visitor Messages 31 to 40 of 44
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