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Conversation Between OpheliaSmiles and Happydeath

35 Visitor Messages

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  1. I
    Just had
    The best Idea ever..
    Well, at least i think its pretty cool D: it involves your character in Burn in hell o-o
    Wanna hear? D; its alright if you dont agree to it but i think it would be pree cool >>
  2. kayy x3
  3. XD I'll give it some thought.
  4. awee its fine, you really should start a new rp liek taht though ^^ I think it would be really fun!
  5. Sorry about the rp broken memories but that has been closed for a long while. ^^; I might restart that some other day. Sorry again. Q-Q
Showing Visitor Messages 31 to 35 of 35
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