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Conversation Between FijiLoki and Sinz Kitten

47 Visitor Messages

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  1. Posted and gave u co host privs.
  2. okay that's what I was wondering XD and I did read her profile
  3. No worries
  4. Truly, she is half angel - but she is not aware of it. xD
  5. Hmm...Well Idk, because I don't know what your char. Basically, They 'think' she is the one, primarily because of her right arm (read her prof XD) as that's part of the legend, but they have sacrificed other women for other traits they thought fit, but those women simply died and nothing happened.
  6. sorry it took so long finally posted.
  7. so would he just be able to sense that she was part angel?
  8. Okies ^^
  9. lol sorry was making cookies and trying to think of a name for the girl
  10. put up your char so i can stop refreshing the page lol
Showing Visitor Messages 31 to 40 of 47
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