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Conversation Between Zaiferz and IamEnzo

86 Visitor Messages

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  1. meeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhhhh nuuuu why me next??? I don't k now wen we will be back...we are leaving at 3...4 ish... and....its like an hour or two from the store.....we could be back late....if i don't get on by 6 make it someone else's fight, but ill try to be back asap...but it's not something I have any real control over...
  2. Alright, I'd hate to rush you, but your fight is up next, so try to make it? xD
  3. i know, im just rooting for them!! XD annnnnnnnd it has become the time i need to get off tonight!!
    So ill try to be on tomorrow...but our staff decided we should all go mandatory shopping tomorrow..so...i don't know when i shall be back...
  4. Haha, the outcome of the battle isn't scripted, so there's no saying they'll win or not. That's what makes it interesting.
  5. i refreshed like three times before i posted too....MAKING SURE I DIDNT MISS ANYTHING!!! ahhh...

    on another note..three what now? that doesn't seem fair XD lol I hope the girls kick butt!
  6. curses you made my post weird!!!!!!! XD uuuhhooooooo hooo hooo hoooooo
    im not changing it!!!!!!! ..... ...it just defies logical order!!!!~!!
  7. Yeah, two switches, or you can stay in, whatever works. xD
  8. damn!! posted on my own page!!!!!
    ....... .____. damn me....

    I would but MY leader (being staff) won't allow that, we have to clean everyday...night...whatever! both!!!

    Awesome that sounds ideal..we have two switches right? or is that something different?
  9. If you're the leader, you should give everyone a day off. xD I'll give you a tip, though, if you use a rescue during your battle in the tournament, you can swap out soren for Enzo, and we can keep going that way you don' thave to rush.
  10. there is but we can oly se them to a certain time before getting into trouble..and we need to be in our rooms by a certain time...but I also have a dorm job (basically leaning the dorm somewhere..)that i will have to do soon..annnd...since im a leader I have to sign everyone off to show that they did theirs as well.
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