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Conversation Between vickiazn and OpheliaSmiles

35 Visitor Messages

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  1. ohhh, thank you! ^^ this was very helpful, i was wondering if i could make a prankster character then, if you dont mind? ^^
  2. Basically, prankster are close to the inventors, but they tend to make traps and more of those chain reaction things. Sorry if i didnt specify what the characters can do.
  3. i have a question o-o in your new rp, what do the pranksters do? Cause i was thinking about making a character..
  4. roger * gives a salute and marches to academy
  5. okai so the roleplay Vampire Knight ; A New Generation has officially begun! Please have fun and make this an interesting RP for everyone! ^-^
Showing Visitor Messages 31 to 35 of 35
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