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Conversation Between SuperZombiePotatoe and FijiLoki

34 Visitor Messages

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  1. Well, I was thinking that there'd be a main base and since he caught her, he'd be assigned to guard her. He'd just have to check on her and question her when necessary. That way, when he wanted to talk to her, people would think that he's doing his duty.
    The "cells" are kept seperate from each other so that there's no conversation between the prisoners. She'd be treated not unkindly, but it wouldn't be a hotel. Place to sleep, food, bathroom rights, but that's all.
  2. Whatever you'd like to do. Does your char have a diff base then the main one? Cause we want to make sure they have some time to get to know each other so that your char can eventually realize something isn't right about all of this. If you want to skip to where he's supposed to eventually take her - i suppose just make sure they get some time to themselves, and how would she be treated there?
  3. Cool, I'm going to make one now too
    I was thinking about doing a little time skip to get back to the base-headquarters-place, then go from there. That sound good?
  4. posted
Showing Visitor Messages 31 to 34 of 34
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