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Conversation Between Sinz Kitten and XxA_Wistful_InsanityxX

46 Visitor Messages

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  1. then I would like to be the one with the vampire lifestyle, and is it cool if I'm the girl? still not the best with guys unless it's yaoi
  2. Either or, I will let you choose.
  3. ah well I do that anyway XD so were you wanting to be the vamp?
  4. The vampires in the books I read could actually have children, which I found amusing. Other than that all of the ones in the book series were Goth. That's about it.
  5. I normally just go with normal vampire lore, other then my vampires often have lifemates that they are bound to once they find them and they mature a certain degree, or it's instantaneous XP but what's so special about these vampires?
  6. Well, you don't need to look it up, just that they're some pretty cool vampires is all.
  7. ??? I have absolutely no idea what that is sorry XP
  8. :P The one you put up was kind of similar to the Anne Schreiber Series spinoff I've been craving since I finished 'Kissing Coffins'. <3
  9. I actually kinda liked the books other then that, but I had major issues with the movies and that she did her own editing
  10. Yes, for now. ^.- Yay, someone who hates twilight? Lol. If not.
Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 30 of 46
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