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Conversation Between shockingzelda and mikimouse

43 Visitor Messages

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  1. Yeah there are some cute demons, like there is a pikachu the only diffference between the real pikachu and what in the game is called pickachu (same pronunciation) is that pickachu is red.
  2. oh lol i didn't understand most of the second part.
    all i got was that it's like Pokemon only with demons. are there cute demons?
  3. Yes I finished, pokedem is like pokemon only it uses demons instead. It is crucial as the only way to get the jasper heart of slorth is by beating the Grand Champion of the world at pokedem.
  4. what's Pokedem?
  5. haha k
    did you finish the changed to the character cuz i wanna read it ^.^
  6. naw you cool. You still keep your upbeat attitude though.
  7. lol k
    that sounds cool, though it probably makes ppl think that im a brat lol
  8. Oh. okay, By the way I am going to have to change your history to match the story. You are now rich as crap and your father rules the town of Slorth which is the second richest city in the world. Is this okay with you?
  9. I'm on the "invisible mode" lol
    it's on you're account settings
  10. Yeah it doesn't show when you are on, like right now it says you are offline. It shows your join date and avatar and that is it.
Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 30 of 43
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