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Conversation Between Sinz Kitten and rumxcoke

52 Visitor Messages

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  1. mkay I think that's what i put XD and sorry I think you confused me a bit XD it could be because i just woke up though XP do you mean that night or the night before we started posting?
  2. Second form is Howler.

    Yes, the last night was a full moon. As for the rest of the info, I'm keeping that to myself for now. :P
  3. would her second form be wulver or howler? and was it a full moon that night? or did he have the wolfs bane so he doesn't shift on the fullmoon?
  4. Sorry it might take me a bit longer, it's hard to type on an ipad
  5. Tis fine I shall post soon
  6. I made the first post. Sorry if it took a bit.
  7. mkay that works
  8. I'll make the first post.

    It will be our characters meeting in the wee hours of the morning, as the bear attacks one of us.
  9. I mean I know the bear but who and should we start before the bear attacks or when they bear attacks?
  10. so where should we start?
Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 30 of 52
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