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Conversation Between Tigerkytti and AceofMana

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  1. lmao I could so totally him being uber proud of her and praising her while trying to hide the books at the same time. Heh, and if he got caught? lol Would be interesting to see the excuses he came up with then XD

    Hehe, that would be amusing to see as well. XD And I doubt Aura would complain much about him getting even friskier rofls, as long as it wasn't in front of other people of course.

    Ehehe, that's the same picture I get too! So adorable *pinches Aura's cheeks before running and hiding for my life*

    rofls, totally right and those shirts would just be an awesome reminder of that!
  2. ahaha probably not but he would have to deal and be proud that Aura could read and write! So he would have to like it and deal with it. Though i think he would try to hide it so no one else could ever read it.

    I think Rune might be jealous if Vex was getting that sort of attention. Then Aura would have to watch out, Rune might become a little frisky or something... wait he usually is. Nevermind lol

    All i see is a puffy cheek Aura huffing as Rune is laughing at her. Cute picture... i have so many ideas i want to draw now *rolls eyes* lol

    Well its not like the guys have anything up there anyways. They can be jealous cause at least our brains are smart and wonderful and there dicks just cant measure up! AHAHAH nice pun eheheeh
  3. Awww so cuuute how protective he is of her *snatches up and squishies Rune in squeezie huggles* Though of course, so is she towards him. lol Definitely not a pair you wanna piss off eh XD Ehehe, they'd be living it up then, tho not sure Rune would like the book so much lol Of course, she'd have to have learned how to fully read and write by then lol

    Ahaha, that's a great image XD Relaxing ear massage with boobies on his head, while he's drooling... Could so totally see that goof enjoying that. lol Little virgin foxy that he is lol Ehehe, yeah, can see her peeking out from behind him at Skade, before poking Rune at laughing at her and getting all cutely huffy and stuffs.

    Wootness, that would be like a totally epic shirt! And I'd so wear mine always... and it would become my comeback to everything XD Ahah, I'd so annoy the guys here. They'd say something and I'd be like *points at shirt* It's Marvelous bitches! XD
  4. lol all too true, Rune is easily annoyed when someone knows how to push the right buttons. Making him feel stupid, touching Aura... actually anything negative to Aura will set him off. But yes, she should write the book "How to train your demon." make millions (Rhye would buy it lol)

    Oh great, now all i see is Skade rubbing his ears as he has boobs on his head. Boob hat... thats a lot of weight on ones head... shes chesty and shes not even in her temptress form... Vex is guna have blood lost. And yesh Rune would be laughing, especially since Aura is so cute in general. her hiding from another girl would just be too cute and too funny.

    Thats it, i will employ Andrew to make the brain design and i will find a place to make it. Then i will ship you one and i will wear my everyday. Someone will have to peal it off me.
  5. Exactly, and I agree wholeheartedly. *dances*

    *chuckles* Oh I don't doubt someone will aggravate him sooner rather than later. And then OM NOM NOM lol got an image of a chibi Rune going rawr and biting someone's head off rofl XD Hehe, she's needs to write a book on, 'How To Train A Demon' XD jk lol Hehe still so awesome how they help each other so much too

    Ahaha, yeah I could imagine Vex enjoying that. I get the mental image of Skade getting Vex with her boobs, Vex foxxing out with an anime style nosebleed lol Poor guy is so going to have trouble hiding his reactions to stuff like that considering what happens to him lol And I can totally Rune laughing at Aura hiding behind him.

    TOTALLY, that is like the most wicked shirt idea ever! I'd wear it! I'd be like 'NEW FAVE SHIRT EVAH BIOTCHES!' and FTW would just make it even more awesome! I wonder what it would take to get them made lol
  6. See we make our characters relationships realistic. They arent all happy joy joy or deep depressed downers. they are real which makes it compelling to write.

    lol dont worry, Rune would still nom nom ppls heads off at the right moments and you know when he is around other ppl, he tends to do that more so. Still Aura is training him real well to behave like a good boy and use his manners.

    lol he'll prolly like breasts as much as Rune loves Aura all over him. Still if Aura runs away from Skade and hides behind Rune, he might be laughing cause he will know that skade is prolly the only girl ever that has been touchy to aura in a nicer way. not hurting her or trying to be nasty.

    YES! that should be a shirt for us. A brain with its marvelous underneath. Id so wear it.... mmmm i wonder if i could make that! and then have FTW on the back hahah
  7. Eee I love to know that you are attached to them, cuz I totally am, I'm like rabid fangirl of them lmao XD I think I've had too much sugar atm btw so don't mind me super squealieness atm XD Posted btw.
    And you totally have a good point, that's part of what makes it so freaking epic is that they can survive through good times and bad, when a lot of couples would prolly tear each other apart with disagreements and such.

    lol and that's good to know that she has some affect on him ;P jk jk, I figured she had since he's you know, not tearing people's heads off and all. I was like omg, Rune's not like going om nom nom on that guy for that thing!

    Hehe, I'm sure Vex will love having Skade all over him... I mean come on, he's a warm blooded male, who wouldn't want those breasts er I mean girl all over them? lol And Aura's going to prolly be freaking lol 'No touchy!' and runs away flailing to hide behind Rune lmao Ehehe, well the same goes for you, ya know. You have a brilliant mind too and it's just Faaaaabulous! Heh, I might have to get someone to do like an icon of that for me. A picture of a brain, with the words 'It's Marvelous' underneath lol
  8. Hey if i can get you inspired then why the hell not! I mean i am acutely attached to Rune and Aura. Like seriously how many rp characters do i keep? Like none, Rune has survived cause he has a good history and its not all the time love and happiness. Him and Aura deal with a lot of shit and yet they dont let that stop them from being with one another. And it always develops more and more every time we rp.

    Aura rubbed off on Rune too, i mean he is being civil atm. SCARY! no really thta is frightening, i didnt think Rune was capable of being pleasant.

    Oh boy, Aura is guna be bombarded by Skade. Poor Aura and Vex, the succubi is guna be all over them. Rune is a different story, since he is a demon she will talk to him and maybe poke at him but she wont be nearly as lovely to him as she will be with Aura and Vex. I love our characters, dynamics and foils. They work so well, helps when i have a brilliant mind to work with, *pokes at Kyttis brain* its marvelous!
  9. posted back to you!
  10. Annnnd posted! lol

    Hehe, only if your sure, because when it comes to the topic of rp with you, your characters, or especially Aura and Rune, I just get so giddy and rambly and stuffs because I totally absolutely love it all! I mean, seriously, you got me back into drawing more and totally inspired and even helping me get my groove back yet again! It's wonderful! *gives lots a lovins*

    lol yep, thanks Osuki for making a choice easy for him, if he was to choose between the two XD Though it totally helps that Aura was drawn to Rune too. lol And yeah, I figure that with them spending so much time together, Rune's prolly rubbing off on Aura somewhat, at least in the fact that she's become able to talk back more to him now. although the girly girl stuff still isn't overly her, so having Skade around is definitely going to be interesting to see how she reacts to her and all that. Ehehe, loving the dynamics so much!
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