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Conversation Between nero123 and Sinz Kitten

37 Visitor Messages

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  1. heya where have you been?
  2. mkay go to your last post, click 'edit' and then switch where it is in the line where you had put it before, also you know I am waiting on you right? Just a heads up since I don't know how late I'll be staying up
  3. i have no idea how to do that :/
  4. oh and do you know how to switch the threads of the post?
  5. if we need them and are using different chara's on them, that way we don't get confused on who's where, thanks for being understanding X3
  6. see your point, okie! we'll stick to one area and maybe make a few more islands as we go along
  7. oh would you mind posting his profile pic? if you need to make it smaller here's a site for that
  8. but if they are on one island then it seems it would be easier just to keep it in one location since we are the only ones posting... also I didn't see that up when I posted I only saw the one place. Sorry I get easily confused it would just be easier(and less confusing to only have one location unless we start a second rp
  9. easier to keep track of where everything is
  10. why did you make two? we only need one place since we are the only two that are going to be posting
Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 30 of 37
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