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Conversation Between rumxcoke and FijiLoki

297 Visitor Messages

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  1. He's still pretty huge.

    "The creature stood eight feet tall without being on its hind legs."

    He's bout the same in length, maybe more counting tail
  2. Posted. ^_^ I think I love Amidere and Ven's interactions. So cute.
  3. Oh, and I posted.
  4. Just you and me, if you want to. I thought it'd be a fun 1x1 to do.
  5. As an RP idea? 1 on 1 or group rp
  6. Posted. ^_^
  7. Black Hearts- Could be a story about thieves. Maybe friends that are common thieves who fall upon a deadly or dangerous situation. Maybe hear information or see a crime done by a noble or something. Then they must decided to either flee with this information so to warn people, or to slink back into obscurity of the criminal under ground. But in that case, they would have to accept to bare that shame. I don't know, but it's a thought.
  8. I don't know what 'Black Hearts' will be. I just thought it looked/sounded cool. It would be awesome to figure something out for it. XD and I posted. -Oh, so he was on all fours? Dang. Oh well...idk if I should changed my other post back. I think I might.-
  9. What's black hearts? Royce was on all 4s he just had a paw lifted. I posted
  10. Posted. And, I thought that Royce was on all fours. I have to edit my post.
Showing Visitor Messages 271 to 280 of 297
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