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Conversation Between Syrasya and Cows Go Moo

17 Visitor Messages

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  1. And my name's Syrasya not sysara DDD:
    pfft. Edit the extra for jack on the color/title/and opening!
    Then we'll wait patiently for the charcter approval. :3
  2. Okay. I'll post it as open and see where it goes! Cnt wait to RP with u!
  3. xD I'm down for letting in more people (as well as the title) though I'll probably make more characters anyway (:<
  4. A night to remember? Okay w u? And do u want to accept more players? If not, we can just make multiple chars. I'd loveee to go all crazy w char.
  5. Pumpkin Dark Orange :3 Or maybe grey to go with the ghost-y theme~
    As for title I'm not sure O: I'm no good with titles ):
  6. Location Icon Color and Title. Your pick. :3

  7. REALLY REALLY REALLYYYYY?!? *prepare to glomp you*

    Hahaha. Mkay, I'll go make a character now. :3
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 17 of 17
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