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Conversation Between onestar and Tahiel

37 Visitor Messages

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  1. *huggles* We miss youuuuuuuuu~
  2. And wheee, I'm glad you liked them! They're not the greatest I know, but hey, art is art! XD Besides I gotta polish up my stylized-chibi designs. lol And yay! I want fanart, I looooove art *collects it*~~~~ <3333 haha, I'm sure you draw welllll.
  3. loling. XD Yeah I was here waiting for the notification and going >:T at the screen lol, then I thought, "maybe it forgot to notify me?" but my profile was empty~ I only saw the reply today when I went to drop the chibi XD I always click on "view conversation" to be sure I reply right. XD (I almost replied to my own profile too once... <.<;; )
    Yeah, Ashura-ou is great. But he's always dying, he needs to stop that, it's really annoying. XD
    In regards to the train thing, well, maaaaaybe they thought they were getting entertainment for the ride. lol (they sort of did, in away ) Or maybe it was common to see fully dressed kabuki actors in 1920s apan, on trains, carrying giant boxes, with somewhat pointy ears. Nothing suspicious there! I want to see Kusuriuri trying to pull that in modern Japan, peak-hour trains... lol
  4. Squeeeeee! Fanart! I'm the luckiest person in the world, thank you! Haha, they both fit Sol completely, I can see him having like nothing but suit/tie/vest combinations in his closet. Maybe mix it up with a scarf + overcoat every here and there. I will treasure them forever~ I shall also return the favor with fanart of my own, though I must warn you that my enthusiasm well eclipses my skill.
  5. I'm sorry! Yeah, I was like, "Oh no, was I too annoying, or maybe something I said?!" But now I realize I that I was just stupid and posted on my own. D:
    Yeah CLAMP does have a habit of setting up the most fantastic scenarios ever and then just trashing all over it. TO PIECES. I think they enjoy crushing your dreams beneath their tiny, tiny boots. >:
    (And I suppose that is true, some does metabolize- Augh. I hated that though- I loved Ashura-ou. >: )
    Pants/vest pshhh...they're all the same to a "mighty pirate." And more importantly how does he fit medicine and like 500+ scales in such a tiny box. Seriously. Also, why don't people in 1920s Japan ever point out the fact that he's boarding the train looking like a fully-dressed kabuki actor?
  6. Aaaaand, *slightly hyper today* I was bored out of my mind and since you were one of the first with a full profile on Svalentia I decided to dust off my pencils even though I suck at drawing, haha. <.< So first I drew this one but it was really bad and not steampunk and I was really unhappy so I made a second one which still kinda sucks (and it's still not very steampunk har)... buuuut there you have it. XD;;; I uh, hope you like? XD
  7. I was like "Why didn't it notify me that you had answered on my profile?? DX" and then I realized I was seeing your profile not mine lol. XDDD

    Yeah, I wanted to see cool vampire action~ indeed sexy vampire action! XD And crazed Fye sounds interesting *3* *sigh* Shame they didn't deliver on that.
    lol at the eating thing. Yes, it sorta kinda is, see, but then even after the 12 hours part of that does metabolize, so you're kinda still partially together. And yeah, Ashura's ending was a little harsh. but that's CLAMP for you.

    Hahaha, yeah Kusuriuri's trunk is like Guybrush Threepwood's... umh, I was gong to say pants, but that just sounds so naughty. XD So Vest, yes, GT's vest (even if he does pull things out of his pants XD). It was lolzy when they opened the one drawer with all the porn magazines. XD
  8. And, yeah it wouldn't surprise me either if D and Kusuriuri went way back. They probably went to the same sexy-mysterious character school or something. Maybe D buys his tea/incense from him! :P
  9. lol I remember the first chapters of TRC... you know, when Fai "died" (but it was really an amusement park or whatever so he had really only 'woken up'? XD) I swear I went DDDDDDDDDDDDD: at that. I was two minutes away from not reading anymore when he appeared again haha. Damn CLAMP. ¬¬;; So when the eye thing happened it wasn't as shocking. I guess I'm just overall more used to them ripping out eyes. XD (I wish they would've played more with the must-drink-Kuro's-blood thing ).
    Haha, beautiful garden to drink tea- That's the kind of ending I like. I guess on the upside, with the Yasha x Ashura thing, they at least sort of kind of end up together (so what; everyone else died, or they had to die to end up together in the afterworld/as statues, but they're ARE together, rite? 8D) Or Taishakuten x Ashura-ou, I mean, eating your lover is a kind of being together... ! lol
  10. XD "How can you even say you love him if you haven't even lost an eye for him!"
    Though, really, when Fai got his eye ripped our (and eaten) I just stared in unconcealed horror for a couple minutes before I kept reading.
    YES! Is it too much to ask for doujin that just has a happy ending where everyone goes to a beautiful garden to drink tea? Even fake closure will do.
    And if anyone could tame a Bakeneko, it would be D. And heck, him and the medicine seller are probably long time friends- I wouldn't be surprised if he supplied animals for D. He seems to come across them so often, after all. XD
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