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Conversation Between Ryan1 and Syrasya

28 Visitor Messages

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  1. Well, my company is indeed enjoyable if i say so myself. xD

    hahaha tskay. everyones lost here. i dnt even knw what im doing anymore.
  2. You're good! I enjoy the posts! Makes good company :3
    And i caught up on all the posts...still lost XD but i can make do with what i've got..i think x)
    Argghhhh...(no pirate pun intended)
    here it goes!
  3. Or I cud just spam u. >xD
  4. I talk a lot. I shud stop now. -_-
  5. Oh and im sorry if I unknowingly disrupt u in the middle of a post w my post ><
  6. ooh ure on9?! haha check out the RP. i posted something n now im talkg to u
  7. Im a ninja BI
    lolol jk, and i shall! :3
  8. *le gasp!* you apply for a chrcter?? why didnt i get a messge on that?!? nvm. approved anyway! ~ so u can start postg whenever.
  9. Wise words indeed. *Nodding in a Yoda-like kind of way*
  10. As my friend put it "You'll be eaten alive, and it'll be the best experience you've ever had" XD
    And yeah, makes sense! I'll def join!

    And hehe im such a sly boots >:3
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 28
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