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Conversation Between Sinz Kitten and XxA_Wistful_InsanityxX

46 Visitor Messages

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  1. Okay!
  2. well I mean me and her haven't posted too much... the only charas that have been moved was Sin and one of her guys. The rp isn't very long I'm sure you could skim through it pretty quickly.
  3. Okay, mind catching me up?
  4. so Chello is back, YAY thread is back open X3 will be informing Lightning as well
  5. oh gosh I hate that one XP I mean it's kinda stupid, no reflections, no pics, someone would have noticed allot sooner XP no offence, and if he only comes out after dark then they wouldn't be able to be in school together XP sorry just being honest
  6. It will take her a while, things will start to click. No coming out until after the sun sets, the weird rumor around town about him and his family not having garlic on their pasta dishes, and the reflection he lacked in a compact mirror or something.
  7. erm okay so how will we have her find out he's a vamp? a real vamp anyway XD
  8. That would be great, start it in a high school setting I suppose. Beginning of the school year? 10th or 11th grade.
  9. I could make the thread if you want, where should we start though?
  10. I suppose. :P
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