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Conversation Between PrincessofScorchingFlame and ISOS Duke

24 Visitor Messages

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  1. Yeah you're keeping up awesomely. And lucky you I work/close at my work place all weekend
  2. Well only one more day of work this week at least XD as long as I keep up with the rp pace I'm good XP
  3. Oooh thats cool. I'll definitely check it out when i get the chance.

    Yikes. That sucks. But you can do it! Gambare! =D
  4. I'm going as a character from a new online series called RWBY. The character's name is Ruby and I have some images in the album on my profile for the current progress.

    With how things have been lately I may need to get a second fan in the room. Even with central ac it's so hot in the house... with that and work I'm just not mentally with it @.@
  5. Oooh you're doing a cosplay?? What of? And yeah sometimes arbiter plus work is a tough time...
  6. It's a rough week that's for sure, but at least using my free time on my cosplay gives me time to post XD

    Getting the puppies a new toy to fight over helps too >.>
  7. No worries >.< Ive disappearef from plenty rps for days at a time from closing at work then waking up so late i dont have time.
  8. Oh I won't! I was gonna try to post tonight but as soon as I got home I was just beat. So tired and I get to open tomorrow @.@
  9. Its all good just dont disappear forever
  10. Just giving you a heads up that I may not be able to post for a couple days, super long work schedule this week. I keep a schedule for work posted in the absent thread of the site as well XP
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 24
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