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Conversation Between Happydeath and OpheliaSmiles

35 Visitor Messages

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  1. D: Awww that no good. Q^Q

    I dont think chu can get worst at roleplaying, i've never heard of people getting worst by experience. So i had a feeling chu would get betters as chu still roleplay. :3
  2. i have insomnia ;A;

    and yesh, but ive gotten better i think owo
  3. o.o go take a nap? It might help with the sleepiness and help chu feel a little better from the stress. Either way, Good luckies on chur exams. xD

    Still roleplaying like chu used to? :3
  4. sleepy and stressed cause of exams :< mah first one is tomorrow </3
  5. O3O Missed chu tew :3
    How chu been?
  6. whaaa i missed chu! D:
  7. Hai hai Ophelia! Been a long while since we ever talked. How chu been? :3
  8. is so excite @w@
  9. XD lol yep yep
  10. omgomgomg *o*

    Hailic and Hiroaki might finally meet @-@
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 35
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